Do not let the world change the good in you!

3 harsh truths about the workplace that affect hard working people more than rest. from twitter thread I agree with most of them. i was in good places, aligned with my value system for first 20 years. In Hughes, employees challenging CEO Arun kumar were welcomed and handled well. I had a good time […]

Resolve Legacy app with tech debt

The post explores the impact of technical debt on an organisation, specifically focusing on legacy apps. Additionally, the discovery journey to identify root causes in a .NET legacy app with technical debt and product debt is detailed, emphasising the challenges and steps taken to resolve the issues.

Inner Landscape

Inner Landscape You have to climb the mountainwhich is you yourself:leave behind the habitations,the civilized arrangements of home and road.
Invade the hidden untamed wildernesswhich has been there in silencefrom the beginning of time,closer at hand than perhaps the hand itself, 
Waiting patiently, beyond and without time,for time to run out;or for the unexpected, unsought onslaughtof […]

Audit Log System

An audit log system that collects details about any action that was performed on a resource. For ex, user X deleted database Y at some timestamp, using api token X (masked) some agent made a request to the platform. SOC2 and compliance’s push companies to have controls in place to approve changes, and log the changes. […]


Found interesting book “Debugging—The Nine Indispensable Rules for Finding Even the Most Elusive Software and Hardware Problems” – David J. Agans Debugging is intended to help with technical problems, where the key (usually) to fix the problem is simply figuring out what is causing the problem. the book explains below 9 steps with details and context. […]

Event Sourcing and CQRS

Most systems need to persist data. Let us assume that the business logic of the system is represented and executed by the Domain Model. Application persistence focuses on persisting domain objects, like aggregates and entities. Domain Model-oriented persistence optimizes for transactional performance, because Domain Model executes operations that trigger state transitions, according to the logic […]

CQRS – my understanding

CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. To put simply,  an application uses a different model to update information that is different from  the model used to read information. While this separation can be valuable, this can also  increase complexity and risk. Monolithic applications come with a single database that responds to both complex join […]

Plan migration, engage product teams

Migrations tend to get stuck. While migrations seem to start off with good effort, This does not eliminate the risk that it can get “stuck in the mud” over time. Two things can help engineering team to come out and move forward. This blog follows the previous blog. Introdution to migration what While technical leaders […]